Event | Business immersion | Campus mondial de la mer

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On April 28, 2022, our team welcomed about 40 participants during the “Business Immersion” meeting organized by the Campus mondial de la mer in partnership with ISblue and Blue Valley.

Program details

The format of this half-day allowed the organization of two thematic workshops dedicated to the collection of data and samples at sea and their various applications as well as a commented visit of our oceanographic sailing vessel IRIS.

From oceanographic data to its uses

Crisscrossing the oceans allows us to deploy instruments and collect data. These are essential for climate models, weather forecasting, the maritime sector, coastal management and insurance, among others.

Workshop organized in the presence of Mathieu Belbéoc’h, director of OceanOPS and animated by Christophe Desbois, manager of ISblue Hub and Amadeus Beaujolin, managing director of Blue Observer

Wellness, nutrition and health through marine micro-organisms

Marine micro-organisms collected from the oceans are real “bio-factories” and represent an immense reservoir of biological and chemical diversity for many sectors: cosmetics, nutraceuticals and health, in particular.

Workshop organized in the presence of Priscilla Gourvil, research engineer at the Roscoff Biological Station and animated by Joy Toupet, coordinator of Blue Valley and Claire Papot, scientific manager of Blue Observer

Visit of the sailboat and discussions with the crew

Testimonies of the highlights of the 4-month oceanographic expedition conducted in the North and South Atlantic at the end of 2021 on behalf of international oceanographic institutes.

Event organized by the Campus mondial de la mer, the HUB ISblue (CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, l’École navale, ENIB, IMT-Atlantique, ENSTA, UBO, UBS) and Blue Valley

In the presence of OceanOPS and the Station Biologique de Roscoff.