Sea Tech Week | World Sea Campus

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26-30 September 2022, Brest Expo, France

Theme : Maritime transport : towards smarter and greener solutions

Country in the spotlight : India

Blue Observer at the Sea Tech Week®

The Blue Observer team was present at the Sea Tech Week®. This week-long international event is dedicated to marine science and technology. Every two years, it brings together more than 1,000 leading international experts in various marine-related disciplines in the city of Brest, France.

Sea Tech Week® includes a science and technology conference, trade show, business-to-business meetings and social events.

The event offers scientists, companies, clusters, students… the opportunity to share research and innovation advances, develop professional contacts and improve partnerships and collaborations.

Amadeus Beaujolin presented our sailboat IRIS and the advantages of the velvet propulsion for our oceanography activity: a flexible, economic, carbon-free and silent solution.

Amadeus Beaujolin, General Manager of Blue Observer, had the opportunity to speak at conferences and round tables on several themes.

French-Indian cooperation in marine sciences: opportunities and mechanisms

As part of the adoption of the Franco-Indian roadmap on the blue economy and ocean governance, Sea Tech Week proposed to exchange on bilateral cooperation opportunities throughout the week.

A session rich in exchanges in which many institutions showed their willingness to collaborate through concrete tools and initiatives. With the presence of Manell E. Zakharia, Luisa Terranova, Olivier Fudym, Srini Kaveri among others.

Amadeus Beaujolin was able to present our oceanographic platform during this session alongside the French Embassy in India, of the CNRS, the National Institue of Ocean Technology, Ifremer, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) of Goa, Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, France Energies Marines, NAVAL GROUP, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), IRD.

Data Challenges Applied to Maritime Transportation

A plenary session with Eric Bustarret – Head of IT architecture at Brittany Ferries -, Rajesh Alla – President and CEO of IIC Technologies (India) – and Arnaud Dianoux – co-founder of Opsealog.

A plenary rich in exchanges in which Amadeus Beaujolin spoke about the importance of predictions of meteorology and marine currents for the optimization of maritime transport.

Technical innovations to reconcile maritime transport and ecosystems

Shipping affects ecosystems through many processes: disturbance by underwater noise, collisions with animals, chemical contamination by hull, engine or ballast water, air pollution by exhaust gases, spread of non-native species, etc.

This session will highlight ongoing efforts to develop, test and promote solutions to reduce these pressures to levels that do not threaten the health of the marine ecosystem as a whole.